who are you

i'm bacteryy2019
or more specifically (cannister) can but call me that if you're my friend

i am an osc-er. i am an artist. i am living in japan. i am 14 years old. i am a programmer. i am a student. i am a sculptor. i am a ceo. i am made out of tons of calcium. i am a sheperd living in the fields. i am a fish. i am a disembodied voice. i am the color wheel you use when you draw shit. i am the lens of your camera. i am the sun. i am the sky. i am the letter i. i am yutaka. i am a 23 year old live streamer who cant make a living for shit. i am a man. i am a woman. i am a dog. im a stickman named can.
in short, i am everything

currently i am a can, and who knows for how long. there are tons of cans in the world but there is only one cannister can.

why did you make this hellscape

i dunno, im not sure..... tbh im not sure most of the time about myself anyway
i just thought making a website would be genuienly cool... also social media is rotting my brains away
theres something, very special in a personal website i guess? you can really "see" the person who made the website
you see them beyond the text, their pfp, their bio, every choice a webmaster makes on their website says something about them. guess i could say it feels very "rich"